Sanjiv Kumar Sharma –

No, breakfast is not the most important meal!

‘Breakfast like a king; lunch like a prince; dinner like a pauper!’

We have been repeating it without being aware that there is no scientific evidence behind it. Importance of breakfast has risen suddenly in western countries after certain companies jumped into the breakfast cereal business and it turned into a multimillion dollar business. Even in India there was no tradition of breakfast and people used to take two meals a day, first meal around 10 to 11 am in the morning and second meal between 6 to 7 pm in the evening.

There is no proven scientific research till date which can make it clear that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. On the contrary there are numerous benefits of intermittent fasting, leaving breakfast or taking fruits as breakfast. Our body has a circadian rhythm, and only after 12 noon our body is fully prepared for food intake. Ancient Ayurveda also suggests the same, as it believes that the body digests food most effectively when the Sun is overhead.

Hot Water

It is a famous saying – A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth Is putting on its  shoes. The same is applicable to myths about diets. The credit for which goes to social media, Youtube, health magazines etc.


Self-proclaimed experts are mushrooming in every nook and corner claiming in loud decibel anything without any evidence. 

One of the most popular myths is about Hot Water. Hot water can reduce weight, improves digestion, clears arteries, heals lungs, clears bowels and what not, as if hot water is an elixir which can treat all the diseases.

Fortunately debunking this myth is not rocket science, just common sense is enough. When anything reaches the stomach it moves further (to the small intestine) only after reaching the temperature of the stomach. Whether the water is ice cold or pipe hot, it will move further (to intestines ) with exact 99.6° F temperature. So, we drink hot water or cold water, what reaches our intestines is the same.

However, it does not mean hot water has no benefits. There are some benefits eg. it  gives relief to our throat during cough and cold. Moreover lukewarm water absorbs rapidly because the body does not need to make it warm before digesting. However, some people have sensitive gut lining and hot water (even luke warm water) can even cause hyper-acidity, discomfort and other ailments.



An author, thinker, translator and a travel-enthusiastic visited almost all states of India in his wheelchair. He had polio paralysis of both the lower limbs at an early age and could not get into the formal system of education, ie schooling. On his own, he started with formal mainstream education at home, and appeared in few exams privately but soon realised about the inadequacy of traditional approach to education and started self-study in his way.

Sanjiv stayed in a room for more than 12 years and spent time in reading books, writing, translating and contemplating on vital issues of human life, society and religion. He has studied literature, philosophy, science, religion and psychology. He started writing during adolescent and continues to write till the date. He has written many articles, poems and stories which got published in various newspapers and magazines. With the area of social media, he also has turned into a prolific writer on the internet.